
Sunday, February 9, 2014

Penguins, Penguins

This week our unit study was Penguins. I LOVE non-fiction unit studies because of all of the fun information that the kiddos can learn plus it is just plain F.U.N!!!!  Here is a cute little fact book that we did as well as a few of our center activities.  
 Isn't this the cutest?!  I was super impressed by 
this little guys mad drawing skills.  :)
       Here is an example of our 
        pocket chart for the week.
CVC word practice--we are getting super good at spelling cvc words.  :)  
You can also take a look at some of the penguin activities that I have posted about in the past HERE.


  1. Your penguin CVC sheet looks cute but when I try to download, it says that I do not have permission.

  2. I also was unable to get the file

  3. Have you "liked" my facebook page? I just checked it again and it is there. Let me know if you still can't get it.
